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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Monday, October 19, 2015

#0953 The curse of success

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0953 Peace and Blessings Every Day
The curse of success
Success teaches you virtually nothing.

The real learning comes from the the micro and macro "failures" (I prefer the term feedback opportunities) that preceded the success.

Success can be a curse. This occurs when you mistakenly conclude you have nothing else to learn.

I see this with some new Ivy League graduates.
I see this with some new first year consultants.

They stop learning.

In a world that is continually changing, the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing.

It's a risky path. The consequences don't occur immediately, but they do start accumulating.

In addition, when you succeed, the tendency is to think you're somehow better than everyone else. You're not. You're just more successful. There's a difference.

(Re-read that last paragraph and soak it in. It took me a lifetime to learn its true meaning.)
If you take the last paragraph to heart, it can completely change your outlook on life as it has for mine.
Think about it.

~ Victor Cheng

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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