Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Monday, November 17, 2014

#0827 Habits to stay high

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0827 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Habits to stay high
There was a time in my life not very long ago where the message in this song (Habits by Tove Lo)  would be my daily norm of the things that I would do to give myself a high for mistaken happiness.

I had confused stability and familiarity in a relationship for happiness.

That confusion would lead to a lot of spiritual self-destructive tendencies.

It was a time in my life that I soon realized was because I was so afraid of the unknown.

I was no longer in control of the future, and it frightened me.

I finally fell down on my knees and surrendered.

When I finally did surrender control and left myself at the mercy of the Universe, I realized I did not need to be in control.

There was a greater being who was managing my life's affairs.

I just had to quit interfering.

Once I finally let go and Let God, I was blessed with a wonderful woman who is my wife and mother to my child, and all other aspects of my life fell into place...without me forcing anything.

A hard lesson learned, but one that I am glad to have learned.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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