Inner Peace Be Upon You
# 0713 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Time to reprioritize
The title of this newsletter was going to be “Time to slow down,”
but as I reflected on this, I realized that would be a lie.
I am not the type of person to slow down. It is in my blood to
be actively engaged in all the opportunities that God and life
presents me.
I realized that it isn’t a time to slow down, but a time to
For most of you who know me personally know
that I am currently doing a few things on a professional
and personal level. I run my own tax business, have
a full time job in addition to my business, am an adjunct
professor at George Washington University, a lecturer for CPA exam course,
half-way done with law school, and I run Inner Peace Be
Upon You. More importantly, on my personal level I am
a father and husband. I have been able to do all of this
through the grace and mercy of God, and I have been blessed
to be able to handle all of these things simultaneously.
The thing is that I don’t slack quality on any one front. I give
everything my focus when it is time to focus on that task. Hence,
the reason that I have been able to do all of these for a few
years now, and do it well. Praise be to God.
Yet, it is time to reprioritize. My son is getting older, and
I am missing time with my wife more and more. Although
I have been able to manage everything well, I also know that
time is not unlimited.
There are only so many hours in the day.
One of the things I miss the most from my childhood is
time with my father. He would always be busy. He
had to though. He was the provider, and now as a father
I understand the importance of the role. This is one of the
reasons that I have been struggling with reprioritizing.
I want to be able to provide for my family.
Yet, I always think back to how when I was younger, I would
miss time with my father, and how much my mother and sisters would
miss my father as well because he would be away for work.
I know I have to reprioritize. Yes, providing for my family is important,
and it can be done without doing everything I have been doing. I
do these other things simply because in my blood is this ambition
to overcome obstacles and reach my potential. Yet, I don’t want that
to be at the cost of my family.
I don’t want to look back at my life and see that I made myself
into a workaholic. I want to look back and remember all the joys
I created with my wife, my children, and the rest of my family.
As a result of this, I have had talks with my wife on the realization
that I need to reprioritize. I am in the process of learning to and actually
going through with letting some things go in order to ensure
I am making more time for what is ultimately important.
It is not a time to slow down, but a time to reprioritize.
Inner Peace Be Upon You.
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