Inner Peace Be Upon You
# 0594 Peace and Blessings Every Day
HID Lights
It has been about two months since one of my
front lights on my car has been out. Normally,
I would fix it myself. When I can fix something,
I would rather I do it then take it somewhere.
Although there are exceptions, such as when the
time to fix it is not there.
In the case of the front light on my car, it it not
only that I don’t have the time, but I can’t fix it myself
because it is also one of those HID lights that cost a couple
hundred for a single bulb.
So why haven’t I fixed it? Well, praise be to God it is
not due to the money. It is more that I haven’t had the
time to take my car to my mechanic to fix it. I’ve been
busy with work, school, taxes, and most importantly
trying to still spend time with my family.
In the course of the two months, I have realized that
there are a lot more cars out on the road with one
bulb out just like my car.
It is either that there really are a lot of cars out there
with only one front light, or it is because I have become
aware of it.
When I thought about this--about how something going
on in my life right is also much apparent in what I notice--I
realized that this is true of anything that is going on internally
within us. We tend to notice more of it in our external environment.
Often the reflections that we have especially as it relates to
the other people in our lives is a reflection of what we
are going through in our own lives. This could be both
positive or negative things. We have to just be aware
of these things especially when they are the negative
things that get to us.
I am sure once I fix the bulb of my car, it will be one
of those situations where I notice less and less of other
cars with one bulb since it will no longer be applicable
in my life.
Inner Peace Be Upon You.
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