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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Monday, November 25, 2013

#0696 Mend a broken heart

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0696 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Mend a broken heart

How do you mend a broken heart?

Here are four steps that will help you up that mountain.

1. Occupy  2. Gratify  3. Sanctify  4. Glorify.

Occupy your time, don't sit around moping.

Do something.

Idleness is the soil of self-pity and depression.  Get busy.
The best thing that you can do is to do something that helps
others.  It's a universal principle that when you start focusing
on helping others, your own problems are diminished.
Don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING!

Write a list of the things you like, then pick three of those
things and put those things in your life - now.
Make sure you can afford them and that they aren't harmful.
When our hearts are broken, we often deprive ourselves of the
things we enjoy.  Make an effort to put enjoyment in your life.

Do good.  Don't return evil for evil, hurt for hurt, pain for
pain.  Don't wish something horrible would happen to the other
person.  Hope for their good fortune in your spirit, and it just
may release your good fortune in your world.

The easiest way to forget someone, is to truly wish them well.

Life is not over.  You can live without them.  Not only can you
live without them, you can live even happier without them.
It is a matter of perspective.  Even with the negative in your
world at the moment, there is something to be thankful for.

There is plenty to be thankful for actually.
Give God the glory for what you have.
You can't be sad and thankful at the same time.
Tell heartbreak to move over.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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