Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Friday, July 12, 2013

#0082 Toxic Relationships

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0082 Peace and Blessings Every Day

Toxic Relationships.

Each and every single one of us has either been in a toxic
relationship or know someone who has been in a toxic relationship.

You know which relationships are toxic. The ones that are harmful to
your health. The ones that pierce away at your mental well-being. 
Every day there is some type of abuse, mistrust, and deterioration
of the soul. 

You know you have to get away from the toxicity, however, you can't.
You just can't do it. You give yourself excuses:

He/She will get better.

He/She will change.

This is just a phase I/We am/are going through.

I can't start all over again.

I have invested so much time into him/her.

I am scared.

Yet, every day it is a struggle to continue. You hate it. You hate life.
You get filled with hate and regret.

You feel cornered. 

I know I have had my share of toxic relationships. What I have learned is 
once a relationship prevents you from growing mentally, spiritually, and 
emotionally, then it is time to move on. 

Yes, the process will not be easy, but the signs are clear. We all play a role for
someone else. When the roles we play are over, we have to realize it is time
to move forward before the toxicity level rises. 

Enjoy the beauties of life.

Live. Love. Laugh. 

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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